The Greatest Invention of All Time (and it’s not time)

Without the written word, humanity would not be able to communicate as it does.  Everything currently existing relies on the written word. The knowledge we have of the Ancient world relies on the written words and pictures of these ancient peoples.  We would not be able to understand the pyramids or the half humans’ statues…

Nerd and Proud of it!

To be honest I wrote something, didn’t like what I wrote so I deleted it. Later on, I started looking around on the Internet, and changed my mind about what I wrote. I tried to rewrite it and failed. So, I simply going to leave you with an link, a picture, and a question. The link. I…

I hope you’re satisfied with this post

Either you are or you aren’t. To be honest, I have no idea what to write about my Thanksgiving. The day went simply as follows: I stuffed myself with too much food, we took out the synthetic Christmas tree, watched “The Quick and The Dead“, “Grumpy Old Men“, “Grumpier Old Men“, “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation“, and…

The Who’s Who of My Bucket List: Author Style

I’m sure that any of you have always had a mental list of people you want to meet. Although there are other people on my list, being a blogger and wanna-be author, I have a list of authors I want to meet. Click on their photos to go to their websites. Photo credits from each author’s personal site. 6. Brian Selznick-…